
Hell week? bring it on!

11:43 PM

Before I face my hell week (yeah it's already finals and so help me God), I decided to take a walk in Trinoma mall to somehow prepare and compose myself. I don't want to be "emo" for next week. It's a good thing that our crim law professor suddenly cancelled our class earlier today. Sadly, it was too late because I already declined the invitation of Emyruth who will be turning 21 tomorrow. (Happy birthday!) In any case, she will treat us to the movie premier of Dr. Seuss Lorax tomorrow so thank you so much in advance teh!:p

Anyway, while strolling in Trinoma earlier, I  was having a strong urge of buying new shoes. (I am "emo" anyway and I haven't got a pair of shoes for this month) My plan was just to do window shopping. When I got to the Landmark, I saw this "SALE" sign and just like any sale-addict person, I told myself that this is the smartest day to buy a new pair of shoes for this month. So I grabbed the shoes that I first saw and asked the sales lady whether they have my size. However, while they were checking for the availability of the shoes, I saw another shoes that catches my attention; it was really cute but it was quite expensive than the first one I saw. I was really inclined to buying both shoes but suddenly I remember my new year's resolution that as much as possible I will only buy a pair of shoes each month. Since I cannot decide, I left both shoes and went out the Landmark and just to continue my window shopping.

My next stop was in Pop Culture store in Trinoma Mall. I really love the Pop Culture store since I usually saw good and unique stuffs there. I was not mistaken! When I got to "the ramp" stall, I grabbed this black pumps. Of course since I'm "kuripot" the first thing that I looked into was the price of the shoes and to my surprise, it's super sale!OMG!

Black Pumps from The Ramp, Trinoma

When I said super sale, it's indeed sale. From it's original price of 990php, I bought this shoes 50 off at 495php. I saved a lot (Yey!). It's also a good thing that I resisted from buying the shoes that I saw in Landmark because this black pumps was really meant to be part of my price possession.

But wait there is more! (Don't worry, I only bought one pair of shoes because I am sticking to my promise) I also went to the "Girl Shoppe" without really planning to buy anything, until I saw one.

Blue beaded clip from Girl Shoppe
Obviously it's already on my possession. Hahaha This is in preparation for the "new look" that my BFFs and I need to accomplish for our 12 things to do in 2012. Instead of cutting my hair short again, I will try to grow it a little longer. I will not repeat my craziness last year where I had a total make-over getting a very short bob red-dyed hair.

I would also like to share my get-up up today which according to Emy and Ann is a "K-pop" look!LOL

Knitted Vest: Terranova
White top: Eastwood Tiangge
Sneakers: Converse
My pet cat is so "makulit", he keeps on walking while my sister is taking a photo so I decided to include him in the picture. (So cute!!!)

Accessories from Girl Shoppe and Eastwood Tiangge
If you like this look, you can hype it in lookbook, click  here
So now back to reality! Finals Examination next week! I think I am now ready to face my hell week! God bless us!:) AJA!

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