
Nature Republic from Earth: My kind of brand

1:28 PM

Remember I told you here that Korea is really a country of beauty and fashion? Well in my short stay in Korea, I was influenced to be "vain" in a good way, I learned how to take care of my skin and my face. If you happened to visit the busy streets of Myeondong and Hyewa, you will know why.

When I set my foot in Seoul, I was bombarded with many signage of beauty stores. Bombarded is the term I used because they are really a lot, when I said a lot, you can see it in the train stations and in every streets, left and right. I saw some familiar store which are already here in the Philippines such as Etude House, The Face Shop and Skin Food.

Before I went to Korea, I really don't really give a shit about these beauty products, I don't even know what a bb cream means (insert rolling eyes here :p) until my bff told me that she wants it for a souvenir gift. What made me more curious to these stuffs are both the small lectures on the importance of taking care of your skin by using moisturizers from our liaisons, who happens to be both male, and Ahjumma Yim Ann, the mother of  Miniee, my Korean friend.  So since I'm already in Korea, I indulged myself of these stuffs!

So, in search of the perfect BB Cream for my friend and to avail of moisturizers, I walked the streets of Myeodong and this is what I found! A very big poster of my Korean crush Jang-Geun-Suk!!! (batting eyelashes!)

Nature Republic in Myeongdong, Korea

A big building of Nature Republic in Myeondong
My friend Miniee bought moisturizers there and she told me that the products in Nature Republic was awesome! However, even though I love Jang Geun Suk, I did not buy yet since I have a lot of stores to check such as once that I've mentioned, Missha endorsed by TVXQ, Tony Moly and Innisfree endorsed by Lee Minho and Yoona of SNSD.

It was in Hyewa that I was able to check all the stores. But I can't help it but to fall in love with the products of Nature Republic! It's a plus factor that their sales person are very accommodating and very helpful to a first timer like me. From among all the stores that I went through in Hyewa, it is only in Nature Republic that I was able to be pampered and treated as a client and not a mere customer. Although I know the sales lady was having a hard time explaining everything in English, she is really trying hard. That is why I bought a lot of products their from moisturizers to spray mist!

And just recently, I was happier when I saw that Nature Republic is already in SM North Edsa here in the Philippines! (Haengboki!)

Why I like Nature Republic? 

Nature Republic carries its brand to be all organic. Just like the seminar that I've attended when I was in Korea, the Nature Republic brand is bringing harmony to Mother Nature and Beauty. Their products are indeed made of organic materials such as Aloe Vera, Mung Bean and a lot more.  I like Nature Republic particularly because its all natural and when you used it you will feel that you are indeed one with the nature. I am not a beauty product user because I have this notion that they are made of chemicals but once you used it you will feel safer and indeed possess a young looking skin naturally. 

Nature Republic Products I used
Nature Republic's Aloe Vera Body Cream and Shower Gel

Nature Republic's Foam Cleanser Mung Bean

Nature Republic's Aloe Vera Moisturizers
I particularly love this moisturizer because it fits the not-so-cool weather here in the Philippines. This was suggested by the kind salesperson that I met in Nature Republic Hyewa branch. I asked her what moisturizer would suit a sunny weather and she suggested this one. It really has a soothing and cooling effect. I used this after I wash every morning and the Nature Republic Aqua during nighttime. 

Nature Republic's Aqua Night Cream
When it is about the BB cream, Korean beauty product has it all. I really had a hard time looking for the best bb cream in the town. Until I happen to catch this BB cream. I like this bb cream since it has SPF 40 which is very suitable to Philippine weather especially from the harmful effects of the UV rays. After applying the bb cream, I used the Orchid Garden face powder for the finish. 

Nature Republic's BB Cream Botanical Cover

Orchid Garden Secret Face Powder
I only apply this during morning, and in order for me to feel fresh the whole day, I used this facial mist to keep my face feeling cool and fresh!

Nature Republic Facial Mist

I really don't use eyeliner but it was my sister who really loved it. So as a gift I bought this liquid eyeliner for 7000 won in Korea. Take note, its water proof! :) 

Nature Republic's Petit Cherry Rouge Lipstick
I think we will be a Nature Republic fan forever! It keeps our skin protected at a very affordable price. 

Me and My Sister 

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  1. I’m thinking if they have CC creams too :-? Hmmmn….
    ~Pauline @Kallony

    1. yeah they have! Actually I'm using one, and it's awesome since it sort of copy the color of your skin so it really looks natural. I'm not sure if Nature Republic in the Philippine already offers that. If you are also looking for BB cream brand, I also recommend Missha brand. :)


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