Of Pia Wurtzbach, faith and the roller coaster ride to graduation
6:01 PM
I was in Iloilo still struggling to recover my sane self after the grueling removals I took in remedial law - the exam that will decide if I shall finally wear my red toga. I didn't even have the time to actually recover since I really need to work for the workplan comments and budget for the program that we are handling. I'm in the middle of meeting, when during break, I decided to open my Facebook account to get updates regarding the list of graduates. I heart was pounding although I am ready for whatever result my exam will yield.
Unfortunately, my name was not on the list. I didn't know how to react, or maybe I was too tired to actually react, plus I still need to get hold of myself as I am still in the middle of the workshop. I was sad, but I was also thinking of my recovery plan. I spread the word, chatted my friends, sent SMS to my family and other friends on the unfortunate news. I think I owe it to them and since it kinda divide the impact when you have someone you can share the news with.
I actually had a sensible plan B. Continue my review then start reviewing for the bar next year. I also got a message from my blockmate who asked me to write a reconsideration letter. I obliged since that will be a last recourse, although I know that it will be a futile exercise as the admin today has been very strict in terms of limiting the number of graduates. After the meeting, I stayed in my room, I checked myself, wanted to cry actually, but for some reason I can't. Decided to eat a mouthful korean dish, then return to hotel. I decided to write the letter around midnight since I was sooo tired, I fell asleep, then woke up in the middle of the night to write the reconsideration letter.
Friday, I woke up and decided to continue my prayer ritual. Prayed the rosary, then prayed to St. Jude hoping against hope that God will reconsider His plan. It was actually my first time to really run to St. Jude, the patron of hopeless cases. Well, considered mine as hopeless and in any case I have nothing to lose as I only have my faith. Around 10:00AM that morning, God has answered. He reconsidered. I graduated.
I am still in awe while remembering those moments. It's like I have escaped death in a very cunning way. I don't know what happened all of the sudden. I guess you can likened it during the moment when Ms. Colombia was announced as the winner of Ms. Universe and the "wait, there's more" moment when it was actually Pia Wurtzbach who deserved the title. I was speechless and I have nothing but gratitude to God as I know He was all behind this. My lawschool life was not easy, but it was all worth it and I am writing this to remind me that I was blessed and to never waste this opportunity. Miracles do come true and that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.