Becoming 30

10:50 AM

The long hand strikes past 12 midnight ushering the world in a new era. Thank God it is 2018. 2017 will be a distant memory. A part of history. It came as fast as it goes. I regret not being able to take down note as much memories I've had of it. It was a remarkable year and yet its beauty was underappreciated by the feelings of rejection, defeat and depression. But in hindsight, I've come to terms with them - in rejection, there was salvation, in defeat a lesson and in depression a recuperation. 2017 was an internal chaos, an irony. A picture of a bloody battlefield behind a serene and beautiful curtain. The mutiny was unseen and a self-creation. Luckily, I was able to gather my own strength to address the internal conundrum.

Now, it is time to face the future. The future of becoming 30. I am still at the denial stage making excuses such as time is relative and a social construct. But, it is inevitable. I know it will come and yet I don't know how to face it. Anyway, welcome 2018, hoping to embrace the feeling of becoming 30.

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