
4:47 PM

Whenever I walk that path, I feel trapped inside the dark hole housed inside me. I can't explain the sadness and the knife that cuts deeply into me, opening the wounds of the past. I am alone again. Walking restlessly in the same path I am walking over and over again, without direction, without hope and without light. This dark hole inside me slowly goes for a kill which left me empty. I am like a headless chicken, running for my life, asking for help and begging for saving. However, I didn't even know if I'm even worth it? I wouldn't know the answer as I can't even save myself from this misery that's succumbing me. 

I am there always in the shadows, afraid to show myself, afraid to be condemned. I am dark and that is what I am. I am fooling myself with beautiful colors when I know I will always be in the dark side. I tried to see the light but I always fail big time. Even the weather outside my window is acquiescent to the state of my mind. I don’t know I am just simply lost.

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