
He's Here! The Phantom of the Opera in the Philippines

10:27 AM

Yikes! I can't wait for August 2012 anymore!  He's here! The Phantom of the Opera is here in the Philippines! Yep! You heard it right, Andrew Llyoyd Weber's ("Androyd" for brevity LOL)  famous and the longest running play is coming here in the Philippines. I will definitely not miss this once in a lifetime event, especially, in August which is my birthday month.

Well, the Phantom of the Opera is my favorite theatrical play because it is the very play where I was first cast in during my high school days! Imagine? That was what? many years ago hahaha! I remember wearing a very daring gown, I say daring because it was backless and it has a long slit in the side and because I will not ever dare to wear that again..hmm, not unless I'll be able to join theater again and play the part of Christine Daae (kidding!) hahaha.

My part was not really significant, we just sang the "Masquerade" and served as back-up when the "Phantom of of the Opera" was sang. Well, so good memories. I miss performing! I want to take this opportunity to signify my gratitude to the Uhay Theater Ensemble who played a significant part of my highschool life! I miss you guys!

Anyway, just want to share the video of none other than Nicole Scherzinger singing "The Phantom of the Opera" you wouldn't believe it but she's good! demmit! hahaha

See I told you she really can sing. I've got goosebumps watching this video.

There! So see you in August 2012. For tickets, you can buy it at the www.ticketworld.com.ph. 

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