
Ashley: The little "Adele"

12:41 PM

Last week, my little 'best friend', Ashley Hitosis Dinwoodie visited our office.Ashley is the daughter of my favorite boss Ma. Veronica Hitosis! (Naks free advertisement!) But this post is not about my boss but my new found talent! (Chos!) The little "Adele"

When I learned that Ashley will visit our office, my eyes literally glowed due to excitement because I know it will be a play time for us. Ooops! I hope the I hope other bosses will not be able to read this! (LOL) Anyway, I just want to share that my heart melted when she hugged me as soon as she saw me last week.

I've also learned from Ate Vi that Ashley likes singing and to some extent has the same singing style as mine. (I know many people will object, but I say, this is my blog :p) We chatted during our break time and I asked her who among the singers of today (except for me, KIDDING! :p) were her favorites, she answered enthusiastically "Adele" among others. She also added Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Christina Aguillera as her favorite singers. She is also a fan of "The Voice", well what can I say like mother, like daughter! (Peace Ate Vi!)

This is how cute Ashley is! She can actually be the next American Top Model 13 years from now? or even the next Binibing Pilipinas! :p To add, she is also a very tall kid compare to her age. She is only five (5) years old.

Ashley Dinwoodie in her Snow White costume during her Christmas Party
It was already my plan to video her singing and luckily, she didn't have tantrums during that day so she obliged  without thinking twice. (Ahihihihi) She first sang the famous song of Jessie J. which is "Price Tag". But the remarkable song was her rendition of Someone like you of Adele.

Actually, I was volunteering to be her manager. hahahaha Well, I am not kidding, this kid really has potentials. She is very pretty.

Go Ashley keep it up and be the next star of the decade, manage of course by your friend (Me!). :p 

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